
Do you know anything about lions? Well, get ready to here some facts: The nickname for the lion is “the King of the Jungle”.  The lion has both beauty and strength. Lions are very colorful and they have light yellow-brown coats. Mature male lions are unique among big cats due the thick brown or black manes that encircle necks and protect them while fighting.


How We Can Save Lions

 We can stop zoos from apshing them, we can stop pouching lions. We can stop canned hunting. We can help to restore more lions. We can rescue more lions. We can wake up the humans. We can save the habitat.

 Do you now any other ways to save the lion habitat?


My Sources

Picture: UMN Lion Center.

2 thoughts on “Lions

  1. Dear Imani,
    I liked your post about lions and the picture you selected. How do you think the lion got the nickname “The King of the Jungle”? I like your ideas about saving the lion habitat.

    Mrs. Fordyce

  2. Dear Imani,
    I agree Lions should be saved from humans poaching and destroying their habitat. I think the idea of waking up those humans is a great idea. After all, what is better to wake them up with than a lion. RAAWR!!!

    Your Mama
    Ps- I love you

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